Nag Hammadi

Now all these things came to pass by the will of the father of the entirety. Afterwards, the spirit saw the soul-endowed man upon the ground. And the spirit came forth from the Adamantine Land; it descended and came to dwell within him, and that man became a living soul. It called his name Adam, since he was found moving upon the ground. A voice came forth from incorruptibility for the assistance of Adam; and the rulers gathered together all the animals of the earth and all the birds of heaven and brought them in to Adam to see what Adam would call them, that he might give a name to each of the birds and all the beasts.
They took Adam and put him the garden, that he might cultivate it and keep watch over it. And the rulers issued a command to him, saying, "From every tree in the garden shall you eat; yet from the tree of recognizing good and evil do not eat, nor touch it; for the day you eat from it, with death you are going to die."
They [...] this. They do not understand what they have said to him; rather, by the father's will, they said this in such a way that he might (in fact) eat, and that Adam might <not> regard them as would a man of an exclusively material nature.
The rulers took counsel with one another and said, "Come, let us cause a deep sleep to fall upon Adam." And he slept. - Now the deep sleep that they "caused to fall upon him, and he slept" is Ignorance. - They opened his side like a living woman. And they built up his side with some flesh in place of her, and Adam came to be endowed only with soul.
And the spirit-endowed woman came to him and spoke with him, saying, "Arise, Adam." And when he saw her, he said, "It is you who have given me life; you will be called 'mother of the living'. - For it is she who is my mother. It is she who is the physician, and the woman, and she who has given birth."
Then the authorities came up to their Adam. And when they saw his female counterpart speaking with him, they became agitated with great agitation; and they became enamored of her. They said to one another, "Come, let us sow our seed in her," and they pursued her. And she laughed at them for their witlessness and their blindness; and in their clutches she became a tree, and left before them her shadowy reflection resembling herself; and they defiled it foully. - And they defiled the stamp of her voice, so that by the form they had modeled, together with their (own) image, they made themselves liable to condemnation.
Then the female spiritual principle came in the snake, the instructor; and it taught them, saying, "What did he say to you? Was it, 'From every tree in the garden shall you eat; yet - from the tree of recognizing good and evil do not eat'?"
The carnal woman said, "Not only did he say 'Do not eat', but even 'Do not touch it; for the day you eat from it, with death you are going to die.'"
And the snake, the instructor, said, "With death you shall not die; for it was out of jealousy that he said this to you. Rather your eyes shall open and you shall come to be like gods, recognizing evil and good." And the female instructing principle was taken away from the snake, and she left it behind, merely a thing of the earth.
And the carnal woman took from the tree and ate; and she gave to her husband as well as herself; and these beings that possessed only a soul, ate. And their imperfection became apparent in their lack of knowledge; and they recognized that they were naked of the spiritual element, and took fig leaves and bound them upon their loins.
Then the chief ruler came; and he said, "Adam! Where are you?" - for he did not understand what had happened. And Adam said, "I heard your voice and was afraid because I was naked; and I hid."
The ruler said, "Why did you hide, unless it is because you have eaten from the tree from which alone I commanded you not to eat? And you have eaten!"
Adam said, "The woman that you gave me, she gave to me and I ate." And the arrogant ruler cursed the woman.
The woman said, "It was the snake that led me astray and I ate." They turned to the snake and cursed its shadowy reflection, [...] powerless, not comprehending that it was a form they themselves had modeled. From that day, the snake came to be under the curse of the authorities; until the all-powerful man was to come, that curse fell upon the snake.
They turned to their Adam and took him and expelled him from the garden along with his wife; for they have no blessing, since they too are beneath the curse. Moreover, they threw mankind into great distraction and into a life of toil, so that their mankind might be occupied by worldly affairs, and might not have the opportunity of being devoted to the holy spirit. ....Read more

Advance of the Roman state and the usurped christ.

With thanks to "Woman-in-Christ".

 Most cleverly they not only invaded the lands but they invaded the cultures. By buying local chieftains and establishing trade but most importantly, by integrating local beliefs into the religion of the state and thus usurping the spiritual power base of the invaded culture. I believe the British and then the Americans carried this on into our times. As an example, i saw footage of the turkish riots where events unfolded on the street outside the inevitable mcdonalds restaurant...Also the invasion of this country by england and the inevitable "missionaries", trinkets and alcohol.
Its likely Jesus was hijacked by the roman religious state. They claimed him as their own and did their best to obscure the true Jesus story and still do to this day.
Jesus was schooled in the same esoteric tradition as john and moses. The school has its root in the pre egyptian kingdom of kemet and exists still in various forms. Are you familiar with the essenes and the nag hamadhi, dead sea scrolls etc.. shows how sects throughout history despite persecution have kept the teachings safe.
So what i'm really getting at is that there is christ and then theres the usurped christ but the esoteric tradition he came from survives apart from and regardless of christ.
I think it important to find truth in history and it can often only be seen by the hole it left when it was expunged from historical record. history is written by the victor and all that....

This is an image of christ that the usurpers of the christ promote.

Perceive it thus; You have thought the unthinkable thought.

musings inspired by Eni.

Perceive it thus; You have thought the unthinkable thought. The ultimate freedom from the restrains of life. Take it further and say your emotional entanglement in your circumstance is disintegrating. A space is being created for change for new entanglements to a new vision.
We are not donkeys to be harnessed by life to plod along stoically til death. We are fire burning and consuming life in every conceivable way. We are water taking the shape of whatever vessel we wish to fill. We are made from stars and return to be remade all over again just so the universe may experience itself through us.
Personally i choose to give the universe a unique experience  regardless of what the donkeys might say.
Regarding ego, i have a suspicion that there is actually nothing wrong with having an ego. If i was an evil regime i would encourage any spiritual endeavors that sought to destroy the ego because without it we are defenseless. To destroy the ego is to destroy the experience of an individual life and become trapped in matter whilst having ended the experience too soon and rejoined the one like a child returning to hide behind the parent. IMHO
Sometime i think the world did end in 2012 and this is a new world. It would be fittingly ironic that the apocalypse happens slowly like a glacier bearing down on a town. Slowly the old world gets ground to pieces under this force which is slowly reshaping the world. 

Harmonic 695 and HAARP

There was a kiwi pilot that wrote a book called harmonic 695 in the 1960's. He explain how towers are set up at key points on the planet to form a grid of energy which these ufo's use to travel and communicate. He also said the frequencies were being used against populations in key areas to produce ill health mentally and physically. Also he warned that these frequencies could be used to cause earthquakes etc... sound like HAARP. But this was just when they were setting it up in the 60's and the author Bruce Cathie had NZ government backing to investigate this. The prime minister at the time brought the issue up with USA and got stone walled.
Matter can be transferred through this energy grid by breaking it down to frequency and sending it to co-ordinates on the grid, as it manifests or in traveling form the matter looks like an orb of light when broken down to frequency of light, (see bio photons).
Basically it is the total mastery of matter through frequency, tesla was half way there in the 1930's !!
Any way Bruce Cathie found that there was a very large group of highly skilled scientist being pored into this project and countless dollars world wide. It is alien tech built and used in partnership between humans and aliens.

the femine divine.

Thoughts on the roles of Eve and Lillith.

regarding the feminine divine i think its a mistake to include eve. She was made from man yet lillith was made from the same stuff as man at the same time. So as a metaphor, as all is metaphor, Eve is subservient to man and lillith is the equal and potential better of man.
So the role of eve is to perpetuate patriarchy. Lillith seeks to destroy this role in order to make room for herself in the world. ( cant blame a girl for trying). She is of the earth and loves the earth and therefore loves man but does not love his servant eve and his role in perpetuating the eve "role". The Lillith role gets a bad name cause she rocks the boat.
Now tell me you dont hang out with her...


thoughts on Lillith and the new age.

Woman in the red dress is an interesting phrase.
One that i equate with Lillith; succubus, vampire, temptress, snake, owl and diety. Adams first wife cast from Eden for refusing to submit to male dominance and demonized for eternity because the hebrew god is an almighty A**hole and hates it when you disagree.
So with lillith, the woman in red, begins the age old oppression of disharmony and the unnatural effort towards the static state of harmony and light.
Disharmony is the feminine divine, the creative force of Sophia, the Magdalen, etc..Labelled "dark" and surrounded by guilt.
New age spiritual "science" is a dark use of the esoteric green language. An example of this is the way politicians speak. Misdirect and draw power from manufactured confusion.
Love is an often hijacked word.
In the words of the living prophet, the venerable Franti ; "love is the shit that makes life grow and you never know when you might step in it." 

reply to Sam

hello Sam
your on a slippery slope mate and your in danger of missing the forest for the trees.
It will sound crazy but you might need to look at the even bigger picture than the massive picture your sifting through now.
The next level up here is personal faith. What do you believe in?
I believe in a creative force that permeates the universe and radiates from the centre. All things originate from this central source both good and bad.
The universe is the creation of this central source and through creation experiences itself.
No worship or sacrifice is required. We are essentially one in that we all come from source. We do not need to worship ourselves. In worshiping the Son of Man or entities called gods the source /knowledge/gnosis/science/experience becomes out of reach and we become trapped in a feed back loop of self worship thus limiting us to a finite realm of creative experience.
You being a Roman catholic and your Dad in the military ties with you mentioning earlier being told your experiences are linked to your Mother. This is all classic bloodline UFO annuki stuff. there is tonnes of it out there on the net plus a million books. There must be some truth to it even if its all a MASSIVE lie.
Anyways, you've been putting yourself out there to receive from any old entity wandering past and that cant be good because i'm sure it's a transaction by nature and how can we tell what we are buying?
The thing with your dog is a bit scary. Intuitively i feel that you should be able to ask if your in a "contract" with "them" right now the terms etc.. I think the Annuki are really business-like and thats how this world got so business-like. BUT you should be able to claim personal sovereignty or something and get them out of your life if you have to. Have you tried telling that wierd creature to piss off and really mean it like your ready to go at it ? All speculation but atleast its an educated guess.
Can you ask the lightworkers to show me the library, i promise i wont smoke in there..!

Regarding the new testament. i just finished a history of Julian Augustus by Gore Vidal. Julian was the last "pagan" or Hellenic Emperor of Rome and was likely killed by the christians whom from that time ruled rome and supressed all other religions and beliefs. It was at this time the old world of homer, Apollo, Zeus, Cybel and the philosophers was killed off by christianity. Church leaders since Paul had been stealing the best of the most popular religions; judaism, Mithra, Zoroaster, Amen-Ra, Helios etc.. and compiling them into christianity to draw congregation. It was a popularity contest. Guess who won...
So yes Ceasar was the head of the holy roman church and the world and herod presided over the nation that gave birth to alchemy, sacred geometry, astronomy, etc.
I dont think there will be a "saviour" and if there is i wouldn't trust it. Smells like a false flag to me.
Also i see nothing positive in the sign of the cross in any esoteric or spiritual sense. As stars they are awesome and this country is blessed as you are too my friend.

musing mind

The ramblings of an old man continued unabated within his mind. He listened intently as though these were the wisest words he’d heard. The old mans voice in his head abruptly stopped after exclaiming, “ none of this is real but all of this is true!”.  How could that be?  he thought and walked no place in particular.
The conversation continued when a new voice answered his thought. It was his own voice reflected back at him. It said, “You read a quote somewhere I can’t recall where and it states; there is no one true perfect vision.”  And so with that in mind the old man was full of wisdom but was wiser still in recognising his truth was not the only truth but was the truth in context to his vision.
Still he walked no place in particular. Strangely he never posed the obvious question which was of course why he was hearing the voice of an old man in his head.  Early in life he had recognised within himself an ongoing conversation in which the voices changed frequently as did the view points.  As example the following; for an unfortunate period of time a harsh narrow viewed cynic held the floor stubbornly until finally the man ousted the harsh voice by starving it of an audience.  The cynic went down fighting, employing guerrilla tactics but in the end was overcome in the realisation that these transient entrants in the man’s thoughts cannot exist as a singularity. The man took a lesson from it and also learnt to respect the power it takes to exist as a true singularity with no need of exterior forces to confirm or continue your existence.  
The old man entered the conversation at a time when the man was to all and sundry a wasted case. Broke, unemployed and devoid of all motivation to participate in what he saw as the incurable follies of humankind.  Positioned thus he quietly sank to the bottom. Here the man found time and space to let his conversations play out and to research and correlate his findings in the wider world. It is an unpopular occupation.
 For reasons that he had not fathomed yet, the man was deeply curious about life and wished to use his short time taking it in and meditating on its unfathomable nature.  He had reason to believe the old man had come from a country in his mind where all his previous esoteric researches were stored awaiting assimilation.  
The countries of the mind are strange and exotic places but none stranger nor more exotic than the esoteric lands. The man found it to be a contradictory place, the man would say here that all is contradiction but for explanatory purposes the country in his mind which was most contradictory in nature was that land where esoteric information was stored and now apparently emanated in the guise of the old man.  
The man had always found esoteric pursuits to have more than a grain of truth but also more than a grain of service of self cloaked in the intention to serve others.  It was during his own pursuits that this knowledge reached him leaving him confused as to his own intentions. He began to question the relevance of service to others as a higher state of being. He concluded ultimately that the concept of only 2 spiritual paths that were in contradiction of each other yet fundamentally the same was just simply more “mist in the veil”.  Regardless of this there was no denying that the country of the esoteric contained many worthy voices.
When the old man came to the man it was dark. It was not dark to the eye as if the sun had left and stems quiver for atleast the moon. It was dark within the man’s conversation. The man was experiencing a fleeting moment of darkness. Sometimes he revelled in these and sometimes he was anxious for the light of atleast the metaphoric moon.
It was the time also of the archons.  Awaiting deep in the roots of religion lie the archons. The man had absorbed much information but not enough at that time to discount their existence. The archons had existed since the beginning of time and had from that moment lived alongside us as parasites.  The archons feed on the stuff of human emotion and they like it raw. The story is that they had shaped man and his world to best serve their needs and continue to do so. Archons in their various forms exist in myth and legend from every culture. The man was purging himself of the archon only to discover the battle was endless unless he could drag the whole world with him in freeing it of the ultimate parasite or become a singularity.
To show the man was not without ambition it could be said that he had long contemplated changing the entire world to suit his end. That notion being what it is and the frustrations it conjures was, the man decided, an excellent source of nourishment to his new enemies. So it went that he turned to the notion of becoming a singularity and yet somehow functioning within a hive.
“This cannot be done.” was the first words formed in the tone of the old man. In the old man’s tone was imbedded a history that formed him and gave credence to his words. The old man had lived as an outsider for a lifetime and had travelled the world seeking wisdom and an end to his own burning need to see behind the veil. The old man had glimpsed beyond and found it very lonely. He brought back pearls to his people but he had grown beyond his people in seeking pearls thus was now looked upon with suspicion and the pearls were not pearls unless the bearer saw them in context. The same dilemma that haunted the man haunted the old man. How to live free of archon influence whilst still living as part of a community in thrall to the parasites?
The old man continued; “As a singularity the intention of freeing others by helping them become singularities does not exist. A singularity has no function that requires it to form the ideas of others like itself. It is a singularity.  The only intention it may have which requires others would be to find in the thoughts of others an external image of itself and thus know itself more fully.”
The man was shocked and overcome by cascades of information reaching an ultimate point of questioning. Was mind created by some ultimate mind in order to better know itself through the collective reflections of an infinite number of lesser minds?
“None of this is real but all of this is true.” The old man had said at that point and the man continued walking no place in particular metaphorically speaking.
As the man spoke in his mind to the various participants the wind brushed his face. Deliberately he had caused his physical self to be within the fresh air of the mountains. The man had a notion that these conversations were best had at elevation and so had set things in motion for this to be now occurring with exquisite yet haphazard timing to be at this time and place where this wind brushed his whisker weathered face at this point in the conversation.
The man left the conversation to run its course and followed the wind and its promises. With arms spread wide to the heavens poised to receive, the man seated his mind in the country of his mind that just is and is beautiful. All that can be said of this often neglected country is that it just is and it is beautiful. The country of the mind, that just is and is beautiful is explainable only by what it is not and by comparing all that it is not against it. If one was to paint the country that just is and is beautiful one could only do so by placing brush strokes just so as to define the space where it is not.
“Nothing is the gaps between all things. Without nothing all things converge to become one thing. Therefore, nothing is more important than it seems!” was the comment that drew the man back from the country that just is and is beautiful. Upon his return to the conversation he noted the new tone and themes introduced by a previous participant, one he had not heard for a long time.
In his earlier life the man had been in deep conversation with a warrior monk who had entered the conversation in the man’s mind at a time when the man was first feeling the inadequateness’ of the world. The man then decided to take the conversation on a journey not only further into his personal conversation and spirit but into his physical world. The man took only a back pack with some food and little money but sturdy shoes. He hitch hiked in and out of others lives and personal conversations and he absorbed the lessons of hard living and the blessing of embracing the natural planet and being embraced in return.
The warrior monk was close to nature and had a reverence for it. Embedded within the aspect of the warrior monk also was a personal history which dealt with pain and guilt. As a warrior monk should be he was passionate to the point of violence and existed in order to channel that violence to righteous causes.  What exactly constitutes a righteous cause was his eventual undoing within the conversation and since that time the man had not heard from this aspect, the warrior monk.
On first impression the man felt that the warrior monk had broadened his philosophy and in doing so had found forgiveness for himself. The man noted his own feeling of failure in the attempt to sustain constant self love. “I would point out to you that forgiveness is a trap on the path to loving oneself”. This pearl from the warrior monk to the man did indeed have a deceptive lustre. Might it be that forgiveness is an easy substitute for love as the pardon for past indiscretions lies with oneself. If one was to truly love oneself then would not forgiveness flow within love as a part of love and not a separate act? The man knew he judged himself too harshly and as a consequence the wider world.
“You need to accept beer and meaningless sex into your life!” This from the worker. A curse and a blessing is the worker. He came when the external world exerted pressure on the flow of the internal conversation. The worker was a blade of logic and an interface for the external. The workers domain was obviously within the machination of employment and held sway through periods of employment for financial return. It is a rather extreme view though unfortunately intrinsic to the makeup of the man that he saw the notion of working towards the dreams of others for financial gain as prostitution and as a rule abhorred it. The worker though had the fortitude to struggle on and don’t ask questions. He was jolly as a rule. The worker joined co-workers in tea room Machiavellian conspiracies that went nowhere and participated in ritual complaint of exploitation. He had his uses but the man could not abide the worker long.
The return of the worker to the conversation also served as a reminder that the physical would need tending to soon. Thus turning his attention to it the man felt he was hungry and must acquire food and return to his home before it is dark and cold.
Fleetingly the man recalled from the esoteric country the beliefs of breatharians who sought to live with no more sustenance than the air they breathe.  The conversation turned to the desire to be free from the constraints of the body and yet to live within the world. A world which inspires both wonder and wander. “Satisfying the needs and desires of the flesh is crucial to a fuller experience of life and so the conversation reaches a full cycle”. The old man points out but the man is already thinking that the driver behind experiencing this world fully is desire and it is perfectly designed when considering the hypothesis that we exist so that a singularity may know itself through our experience of its creation.
“There is no such thing as one true perfect vision!” therefore, thinks the man in response to this, we are free as entities to experience all hypothesis through the function of belief.  It could be that desire will drive us out into the universe and in time perhaps other universes and perhaps in an even greater time we will create universes and be as gods seeking to create in order to better know ourselves through our creations.
The man says in response to the old man; “the conversation may well reach a full cycle but the conversation must never reach a conclusion lest we perish in the epiphany of a god. “ 
God was not a word the man was comfortable with. Like most confused western atheists, when the man spoke of god he did not want to convey the concept of god as it is known in the traditional sense and yet he did not have a credible substitute that did not already have connotations he wished to remain free of. Harder still is to hypothesise the thoughts and actions of a god. The man believed if god stepped in front of him he would not recognise his creator. The feeling behind this was that a god is unknowable to a mere mortal and that a god cannot remain a god once revealed.
to be cont...