the femine divine.

Thoughts on the roles of Eve and Lillith.

regarding the feminine divine i think its a mistake to include eve. She was made from man yet lillith was made from the same stuff as man at the same time. So as a metaphor, as all is metaphor, Eve is subservient to man and lillith is the equal and potential better of man.
So the role of eve is to perpetuate patriarchy. Lillith seeks to destroy this role in order to make room for herself in the world. ( cant blame a girl for trying). She is of the earth and loves the earth and therefore loves man but does not love his servant eve and his role in perpetuating the eve "role". The Lillith role gets a bad name cause she rocks the boat.
Now tell me you dont hang out with her...


1 comment:

  1. But then who is Eve? Is Eve the one that placates men, so men are not confronted in truth, so they don't have to see their deepest selves. The men change on the surface, (buy some flowers) and Eve will accept that even though oppression continues? Is Eve the one who complains and is a victim, but never leaves?

    I met a young "cool" galactic guy last weekend, who (seriously) introduced his companion as his "EVE" to me. They were holding hands, she never talked, not once, but acknowledged and supported everything he said as he dominated the entire conversation for an hour with several people...making them all a little nuts. It's the new "galactic" religion.
