thoughts on Lillith and the new age.

Woman in the red dress is an interesting phrase.
One that i equate with Lillith; succubus, vampire, temptress, snake, owl and diety. Adams first wife cast from Eden for refusing to submit to male dominance and demonized for eternity because the hebrew god is an almighty A**hole and hates it when you disagree.
So with lillith, the woman in red, begins the age old oppression of disharmony and the unnatural effort towards the static state of harmony and light.
Disharmony is the feminine divine, the creative force of Sophia, the Magdalen, etc..Labelled "dark" and surrounded by guilt.
New age spiritual "science" is a dark use of the esoteric green language. An example of this is the way politicians speak. Misdirect and draw power from manufactured confusion.
Love is an often hijacked word.
In the words of the living prophet, the venerable Franti ; "love is the shit that makes life grow and you never know when you might step in it." 

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