reply to Sam

hello Sam
your on a slippery slope mate and your in danger of missing the forest for the trees.
It will sound crazy but you might need to look at the even bigger picture than the massive picture your sifting through now.
The next level up here is personal faith. What do you believe in?
I believe in a creative force that permeates the universe and radiates from the centre. All things originate from this central source both good and bad.
The universe is the creation of this central source and through creation experiences itself.
No worship or sacrifice is required. We are essentially one in that we all come from source. We do not need to worship ourselves. In worshiping the Son of Man or entities called gods the source /knowledge/gnosis/science/experience becomes out of reach and we become trapped in a feed back loop of self worship thus limiting us to a finite realm of creative experience.
You being a Roman catholic and your Dad in the military ties with you mentioning earlier being told your experiences are linked to your Mother. This is all classic bloodline UFO annuki stuff. there is tonnes of it out there on the net plus a million books. There must be some truth to it even if its all a MASSIVE lie.
Anyways, you've been putting yourself out there to receive from any old entity wandering past and that cant be good because i'm sure it's a transaction by nature and how can we tell what we are buying?
The thing with your dog is a bit scary. Intuitively i feel that you should be able to ask if your in a "contract" with "them" right now the terms etc.. I think the Annuki are really business-like and thats how this world got so business-like. BUT you should be able to claim personal sovereignty or something and get them out of your life if you have to. Have you tried telling that wierd creature to piss off and really mean it like your ready to go at it ? All speculation but atleast its an educated guess.
Can you ask the lightworkers to show me the library, i promise i wont smoke in there..!

Regarding the new testament. i just finished a history of Julian Augustus by Gore Vidal. Julian was the last "pagan" or Hellenic Emperor of Rome and was likely killed by the christians whom from that time ruled rome and supressed all other religions and beliefs. It was at this time the old world of homer, Apollo, Zeus, Cybel and the philosophers was killed off by christianity. Church leaders since Paul had been stealing the best of the most popular religions; judaism, Mithra, Zoroaster, Amen-Ra, Helios etc.. and compiling them into christianity to draw congregation. It was a popularity contest. Guess who won...
So yes Ceasar was the head of the holy roman church and the world and herod presided over the nation that gave birth to alchemy, sacred geometry, astronomy, etc.
I dont think there will be a "saviour" and if there is i wouldn't trust it. Smells like a false flag to me.
Also i see nothing positive in the sign of the cross in any esoteric or spiritual sense. As stars they are awesome and this country is blessed as you are too my friend.

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